This week in my blog, i know i am a little behind but i was to show the intro shot of one of my favorite movies. I know it might not be the most award winning film out there and it is made by disney, but not only is it one of my favorite movies it also has one of my favorite actors/ producers. Mark Walhberg. He started out with nothing, and made it big. I am also a big fan of the northern new york attitude accent. (plus he is quite sexy :) haha) Anyways, the movie i want to show is "Invinceable" a movie about a broke, just laid of teacher, who decides he wants to try out for the eagles and pro football team, With nothing but back yard experience, he does the ultimate dream. Rags to riches, my top favorite type of movie. Like i said before, i like the light hearted, feel good movies. at firtst it starts out with just some kids running and music, the light has a old brown gloss over just to give the rustic old feel of a poorer northen city.file:///Users/saratanger/Desktop/screen-capture.png Next they date it by adding a window shot of an old car, to place the time prob around the early 80's.file:///Users/saratanger/Desktop/screen-capture-1.png . It makes it clear that the area they are in is toubled, alot of people loosing there jobs on hard times, a little bit of a blue collar area with a bunch of factories file:///Users/saratanger/Desktop/screen-capture-3.png
file:///Users/saratanger/Desktop/screen-capture-5.png, they end the opening with a shot of football to let you know that file:///Users/saratanger/Desktop/screen-capture-8.pngis what this movie is all about, they dont waste anytime to let you know about the football!
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