Friday, December 4, 2009

Artist Statement

Ever since I was really young I was always into cameras and film. Not really knowing anything about them expect they can capture moments to show other people who might never get a chance to see something that I have had the chance to encounter. Even if it was just a kid doing a trick on a skateboard. Or my friends and me do a pretend talk show. I loved it, I liked being able to put my ideas with others and coming up with great humor. At the time we were just being kids and being silly. I never new that something I used to have so much fun with all through out my life was also a possibility for a career. Until I found out the school had a department for it. Although I didn’t have the same experience as most the other kids, I was still just as interested. Maybe not to the extent of making the same types of films. But I never had a class at the school that I had something in common with every student in my class, whether it is one thing or another. Which brings me to my main point for my artist statement. I don’t consider myself an artist, I am still very much so an aspiring artist. I have much more to learn until I can deserve that degree. But one thing I can say about me is, when do get passionate about something I never let it die and till I see it out. And I believe that will help me when I get more into film. Endless I feel strong about it or comfortable with it, it won’t seem to turn out right. You can tell when I know what type of idea I want and I want it captured on film. Ideas will start flying for more ideas, and soon I will get a perfect shot or the shot I wanted. When I work, probably not like other people. I like working with other people. I want to know there idea and I want them to know mine. I like comparing and sometimes adjusting. I am a strong believer of how many minds are greater than one. Some people see things that other people don’t, like a problem or a solution. And like I have seen in class if you have a director or a DP who isn’t quite looking at the whole situation he will tend to miss things and it slows down the whole production. Being a director would be an amazing dream; maybe one day I could do it. But being a director is like being a captain of a ship. They need to know the ins and outs of their craft before they can tell anyone else to do it. That what I want to know I want to learn it all. That’s the type of artist I aspire to be. A well-rounded artist. And in the future I hope my statement can inform you on how I did that.

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